How to register and create a user account in Admincontrol.
You will first receive an invitation from the company administrator of the relevant portal. Simply click on the registration link. Please note that there is a time-limit set for the expiration of the registration link. If the link expires before you register, please contact your administrator.
If you already are an Admincontrol user
If you are already using Admincontrol in other companies – accepting the invite navigates you to the login page. Login with your credentials, and the new company you are invited to will appear in portal navigation list.
If you are a new user
If you are a new user you will be navigated to a registration page, where you fill out your contact information, note that your email will be your username.
Set your preferred password. Our password policy is based on recommendations from The Open Web Application Security Project® (OWASP). The password must consist of a minimum of twelve (12) characters. There is no need for symbols, digits, or uppercase letters. However, you will be presented to a strength meter which will calculate a score for your chosen password. If it is considered easy to guess or listed as breached or commonly used password, you should change to a more secure password before creating your user. If you want to view the password that you have entered, either in the password or confirm password box, you can click on the Eye icon in the box. We recommend using a password manager!
For System subscriptions, Updates and improvements is ticked by default, and we recommend keeping this on to receive information about coming changes, like new features and improvements. We also recommend ticking the News, tips and tricks box to stay up to date with latest news, receive event invitations and tips & tricks related to the service. You can easily change these settings later.
In Secure Message subscriptions you set when to be notified about new secure messages whenever someone sends you a message, or there is activity in a conversation you are part of. The options to choose from are Immediately, Once per day, Once per week and Never. Make sure you get the notifications in the manner that you prefer, but remember that if you select Never you will not receive email notifications and you risk missing out on important communication in your portal(s).
Push the Create user button to create your user account after completing your settings.