When you have a final version of the Meeting minutes, the next step is to have them Approved. There are three possible ways for approving minutes; 1) approve without signatures, 2) download and sign and 3) sign electronically.
1) Approve without signature
If the Meeting Minutes need no signatures you can chose to approve them, by using the selection Approve without signatures. The status of the Meeting minutes will be set to Approved and the document will be available in the default Meeting Minutes folder. You will be able to edit the Meeting minutes document name before the approval.
2) Download and sign
If the Meeting minutes are to be signed manually on paper, you can use the option Download and sign. The minutes will be downloaded, the watermark from Draft state will be removed and the signature page will be added to the document. The Meeting minutes status will be changed to Being approved and will be available to everyone who have access to the meeting.
When the paper version of the minutes has been signed, you can use the shortcut in the information bar in Meeting minutes to upload your signed Meeting minutes.
The status of the minutes will be set to Approved, you will see an indication that the minutes were signed in brackets, and the document will be available in the default Meeting Minutes folder.
3) Sign electronically
If the Meeting minutes are to be signed electronically, you can use the option Sign electronically. You will be able to create a signature request, according to the create signature request process. You will also be able to edit the meeting minutes document name before the signature request is sent for signing. Please not that the document title is maximum 65 characters due to limitation in the signing service.
Any user requested to sign from the attendee section will be preselected in the signature request. There is also an option in the Settings menu for the Meeting minutes to include a signature page to the document signed electronically that must be preselected if required.
Remember that the secretary must be an administrator to be able to create signature requests.
When the signature request has been sent, the Meeting minutes status will be changed to Being approved and will be available to everyone who have access to the meeting. There is an information bar in the Meeting minutes with a shortcut redirecting the users to the signature request if they are requested to sign, or to the signature request details for the secretary.
As long as the there is a signature request for the Meeting minutes it is not possible to change the status of the minutes from the Meeting minutes, the signature request must be changed or deleted from the signature tab.
When the Meeting minutes has been signed by all users requested to, the status of the minutes will be set to Approved, you will see an indication that the minutes were signed in brackets behind the Meeting minutes title, and the document will be available in the default Meeting minutes folder.