Share a draft
Once the Meeting Minutes draft is ready, you can share the draft with i.e. the Chairman of the board or other attendees who should review the draft by clicking Share from the Meeting Minutes edit/preview.
From the sharing modal you select the users that you want to share the minutes and have a conversation with from the drop-down menu, then write your desired message for your recipients. You can choose to discuss the minutes in a one-to one conversation or in a group conversation with selected members of the board. In a group conversation everyone will see each others feedback and input to the minutes, and can respond to both the content of the minutes and other board members input, while in a one-to one, only the recipient and secretary will be able to see each other’s feedback.
If you want to write different messages to your recipients, you will have to repeat the steps for each of your recipients.
The recipients will receive an email notification informing them that the secretary has shared the draft minutes and sent a message. They will be able to read the draft and respond to the message.
Note that if you (secretary of the meeting) continue to edit the Meeting Minutes draft after it has been shared, the updated draft will not be visible to the users you have shared it with before you have clicked Share changes from the information bar presented.
Un-share draft
You can un-share the draft via Who can view from the cogwheel in the Meeting Minutes pane.
Select the relevant users and click Remove view access.