Select the level of electronic signature that is the most suitable for you. You can select between two electronic signature options in Admincontrol.
What is electronic signature?
“Electronic signature” is an umbrella term covering the technologies and methods that can be used to “sign” digital information in ways that equate to a handwritten signature on a physical document. There are many varieties of electronic signature, with differing degrees of security and legal enforceability, ranging from signing a PDF file with an electronic pen, to authenticating by means of a BankID or a biometric feature, such as a fingerprint.
You may also see these signing methods described as “e-signatures”, “digital signatures” and “paperless signatures”.
Read more about electronic signature on our blog!
Advanced electronic signature
With advanced electronic signature, you can log in and sign documents using a unique electronic identification. This is available for Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. You can select between the following (based on the country that you are in):
- Norway and Sweden: BankID
- Denmark: MitID
- Finland: BankID through FTN (Finnish Trust Network)
Finnish BankID
For Finnish BankID, the service provided for electronic signatures is Finnish Trust Network (FTN). This is a framework established by the Finnish government to meet the threshold of strong authentication according to EU eIDAS regulation.
To be able to provide this service to our users, all users must give their consent to their personal data being processed by our eID broker Signicat (approved by Traficom - The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency). No signature request can be completed before such consent is given.
The process for giving consent has been added to the activation process of Finnish BankID.
Learn how to set up advanced electronic signature.
Limited electronic signature
Limited electronic signature is based on the user’s name and phone number registered in Admincontrol and verification by a system generated code received either via SMS or email. This option is available in the above-mentioned markets, as well as all other markets.