Please note: To get access, administrators need to contact Admincontrol to enable Android as app platform on your portal.
To download the app, go to Play Store on your device, search for Admincontrol. Then click Install.
When you open the app you will be prompted to log in with username/password
Next step is to create a keyword which can be used for accessing downloaded content without the need of login.
After you have logged in the first time, you will later have the option to continue in offline mode.
After logging in you will be prompted if you want to download content accessible in the portal. This is based on a timeline for when the documents were uploaded to the portal. Also, after choosing this you will download new content automatically every time you log in. You can change this in the app settings if you like.
If you don't remember you password, you need to log in via your web browser to change your password before logging in to the Android app.