Prepare for your meeting using the app
See upcoming meetings
If your administrator has prepared and published meeting(s), you can find an overview of these upcoming meetings on the Home page under Upcoming meetings. You can click directly on a meeting in the list to open the meeting.
If you have all portals selected, this overview will show you the upcoming meetings for all the portals you have access to. You can click on the portal selection drop down to change between portals that you have access to.
Synchronizing the app
If you have received a notification regarding a meeting, but you are unable to see this meeting in the upcoming meetings list - your app might not be fully synchronized. To trigger resynchronization you can:
1. Click on the blue Synchronised (🕓) ago.
2. Click on the blue Sync button
3. When the app has successfully synchronized, you will be able to see that the time since the last synchronization will be updated.
Navigate to the meetings tab
To navigate to the meetings tab, click on the menu icon and click on Meetings in the menu list. In the meetings tab, you will see an overview of the meetings in the portal. You can click directly on a meeting in the list to open the meeting.
Filtering by area
You can choose to filter the meetings list by areas in the portal by clicking on All areas and choosing which area you would like to view the meetings for.
Additional filter settings
You can find additional filter settings allowing you to further customize the meeting list results by clicking on the blue filter button in the top right in the Meetings menu.
Viewing and working in a meeting
To open a meeting, click directly on the meeting in the meeting list. The meeting overview has three tabs:
- Agenda: If the administrator has created a meeting book for the meeting, you can open the meeting book here by clicking on Meeting book. You can use the left-hand menu to easily navigate to different sections of the meeting book.
- Overview: View details regarding the meeting.
- Minutes: If meeting minutes have been created and shared with you, you can open the minutes here by clicking on Meeting minutes.
Take notes
You can also take personal notes in the document by clicking on the annotation tool in the toolbar. The annotation tool is indicated by a pen icon in the toolbar. These notes are only visible to you and other members will not see your personal notes even if they have access to the same document.