In order for the board members or other users to sign a document electronically, you have to create a signature request so that they can sign (and approve) or reject the shared document.
To create a signature request, go to the folder which contains the document that you would like to have signed. Select the document in the left side box, click More Actions and then Signature request.
Set conditions for the request. The default due date is set to 30 days and minimum signature level set to Advanced electronic signature. You can change this to what is appropriate for your request.
Note that a user with Limited electronic signature will not be able to sign the document with the default value unless the user changes his electronic signature settings (if possible), or else the value must be changed to Limited electronic signature. When the signature level is set to Limited electronic signature, all users will be able to sign the document (with Advanced electronic signature and Limited electronic signature).
You may set up to three automatic reminders to the users requested to sign. When you enable reminders for user, you can select up to 3 dates in the calendar module that appears. Selected dates for reminders will be marked in green.
An automatic reminder about missing signatures will be sent to you 2 days before due date, and you may choose to receive a notification when all signatures are completed.
On the next step, you can select users you want to sign. By clicking in the "Add users" box, a drop down menu will appear. This list shows all users that have access to the documents and are eligible to sign the request. By clicking on their names, users will be added to the request
If you want all users on the list to sign, you can click "Add all users" to automatically select all to the request
Users will receive a request notification via email by default. If available, you can also include notification via SMS or push-notification in the iOS app