Tasks can be assigned to users in the buyer group for the purpose reviewing documentation (reading task) that are added to folders. It is a task manager that can assign a task to a member of the buyer team. Task managers can be assigned by the administrator of the portal.
Manage your own task
In the dashboard you will be updated with the number of open tasks that you have been assigned. This is an easy access into the Task module, where you can manage your tasks.
The first time you navigate to the Task Module, you are asked to turn on notifications, so that you are updated by email whenever you are assigned to a new task, or if a task manager changes you existing tasks.
In the task module you will see an overview of your tasks, connected to the current folder you navigate in. You can also choose to see all tasks assigned to you, by clicking the View all button.
If there is only one task in the current folder you are in, the task automatically opens in detailed view. If there are multiple tasks in your list, you open the detailed view by clicking the task row.
In “reading task”, you will see the attached files that you are assigned to in the detailed view of the task. In this view you can also tick off when you have reviewed/read the files, so that you know where you left off, if you need a break from reading/reviewing. When all documentation inside the task is reviewed, you can complete the task. And the task manager will be notified (if the task manager has enabled task notifications).
You will also be notified when you browse through the folder structure, if there is a connected task assigned to you in the current folder you are in. From the document view you can also open and complete the task.